Saturday, February 15, 2020

Philosophy Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Philosophy Paper - Essay Example One of the arguments by St. Thomas is the argument that beings (things) are caused, moved or changed by something else. Here we are talking of a beginning or an end. That the Universe began from somewhere. There cannot be at any time we can imagine of vacuum. The ever expanding Universe cannot be imagined to have a beginning, why? Because it could imply again that the Universe has an end. Indeed, can one imagine of a time when there was nothing at all? This implies that an explanation has to be; in order to explain the reason for their existence (being) hence invoking the Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR). The basic idea here is that God needs to be posited as the ultimate source or explanation of the existence of all other beings, (Class Notes, 11/27/12). Now consider this argument from Rowel’s book on cosmological argument (24): The argument above maintains that there are only two types of beings that is the self existent being (God-cause) and the depended beings (effects). That any causal series invites us to think of the first cause the uncaused. Premise one depends on PSR which is purely to say that the things in which we experience coming and going out of existence is a mere fact that there must be a superior being that controls or rather brings them into existence and out of existence. This again is to say that every depended being cannot exist on its own without the other or simply put it that one depended being has to be brought forth by the other depended being. Â   Response: There is no way we can talk of a series of dependent beings as if it is a dependent being. I.e. remember that every individual has got his or her own identity and individuality. That the moment I confuse your identity with the other, am automatically saying that the individuality and identity of the first cause (God) is interfered. This again

Sunday, February 2, 2020

E-billing in Local Municipalities in South Africa Essay

E-billing in Local Municipalities in South Africa - Essay Example It provides various of benefits to consumers such as convenient distribution and navigation, in order to improve the analysis as well as cost reporting in business sectors. Several companies are adopting e Billing solutions in the file and contract management. Through e Billing, customers better understand their manner of spending and how cost savings are made. Tshwane is one municipality of South Africa in which approximate population is 2.2 million. Most part of the municipality have low income level; 55% of the people are unemployed with ages 18 - 65; 8.7% of inhabitants who are older than 15 are illiterate. classified as 'illiterate'. Despite this fact, the leaders are pushing the economic growth and development of the entire city and one example towards achieving their goals is their involvement in the advance information and communication technology system programs such as the Tshwane Global Digital Hub program. The city is envisioned to be the destination of communication and information technology-based business.